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Quality PBT Silk lashes creating a Voluminous 3D Russian Volume Look. Saving you half the time without having to create these fans yourself. 


240 fans = 720 lashes made from high quality PBT material. Extra Light, Super Soft Silk creating a fluffy full Russian effect. Very light weight and very fine soft feel to them.


Using appropriate tweezers (volume tweezers) pull the fan off the strip by holding all 3 lashes (in the middle) close to the stem and gently pull off pulling towards you. They come off easily.


3D 12 lines containing 20 fans for each line = 240 fans/720 lashes

3D Long Stem

  • Curls 

    B Curl - Good for natural-looking results, gives the impression of an eye lift, good for round eyes
    C Curl - Creates a dramatic look, ideal for clients with curly lashes, harder to achieve a full bond on straight lashes
    D Curl - A very dramatic curl, great for use on outer corners to create lift
    J Curl - A natural looking curl, very similar to the average curl found on natural lashes



    0.07mm - Extremely fine, super-soft. Use to add volume and fullness. Great for longevity
    0.10mm - Very fine, softer feel. Use for clients with fine natural lashes. Great for longevity

    10, 11mm - These are medium length lashes and are suitable for most clients 
    12, 13, 14, 15mm - These are long lashes and are primarily used for clients with naturally long lashes or for clients wanting dramatic lashes for special occasions or photoshoots etc. 

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